with Rachel Lloyd

My classes help build a strong core from which one can transition into new positions and exercises. This flow revolves around control and precision, with a diversity of exercises and modifications to suit a wide range of levels from beginner to advanced.These classes will target your arms, abs, glutes and spine to get you that signature ‘Pilates Body’ in no time. With these classes, you will learn and practice the tools needed to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle, whilst also remaining mindful in every act you perform.

Core Pilot Flier

Rachel offers the best face to face and virtual classes / workouts.

Thames Studio Pilates believes in living a full life, full of joy, gratitude, and free of judgement. Experience a unique and transformative approach to Pilates creating a stronger, longer, leaner YOU!

Rachel is a Pilates Master Teacher Trainer & Pilates Author, Her sessions have been specially designed for a complete body mobilisation as she focuses on helping clients better connect to themselves and their surroundings.

She offers a variety of services, classes, workshops and Certified Teacher Training with World Wide renowned ‘Progressive Pilates Academy’ .

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